Sons of Bransford (S.O.B.)
June 26, 2025

19th Annual Sons of Bransford Awards

The Sons of Bransford, most commonly referred to as S.O.B.s, is a group of African American men in the community servicing as mentors, leaders, inventors and inspiration to other men young and old. That have proven in manner set forth by their name sake Mr. Jim Bransford to be redeemable, responsible and resilient in overcoming the trials of life, and successful in extraordinary service to the community.
Their mission is to create opportunities to identify and honor African American men proven to be redeemable, responsible and resilient in overcoming the trials and tribulations attendant to their life in America. And to recognize and celebrate their achievements that others can draw strength, courage, and hope from them as peaceful warriors rather than giving in to the darkness of despair and hopelessness.
Jim’s life has touched multiple generations of families with his plain spoken and practical approach to solving life’s problems. Jim was the embodiment of resiliency, tenacity, and love for family and community. He was truly a man who walks the walk and did not just talk the talk.
”..As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence...When the best leader's work is done the people say, We did it ourselves!" - Lao-tsu